Backlinks for SEO in 2022

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Backlinks for SEO

Even with the best on-site SEO optimized website, the best content related to your niche, and a very fast website, you will never get ranked in search engines without BACKLINKS, but what exactly are backlinks and how do you get them?

What are backlinks?

Backlinks in simple terms is getting your website link mentioned in other websites and thereby, linking back to your website

Why are backlinks so important?

Backlinks are one of the very important metrics that search engines evaluate in order to rank any website, however, there are so many factors that determine how good your backlinks are and how search engines evaluate them.

How do you get back links?


  • Skyscraper content:

The best way to start getting backlinks is to have content that no one else in your niche has, and by that I don\’t just mean the quality of your content, which should be excellent, but also how deep and insightful it is, which will help it rank higher in search engines and make it the ultimate piece of content in that niche that everyone wants to post or share on their own websites, whether it\’s a complete guide to making pasta or a detailed infographic about iPhone users in the middle East, make your content insightful, detailed and that will help.

  • Reach out method:

 As the title suggests, you may obtain backlinks from other websites by simply contacting website admins and pitching your content. If your content is relevant to what that website offers or distinctive enough, you will likely receive a lot of positive responses.


  • Guest posting:

Some websites have a “guest posting” option that allows writers or industry experts to share their knowledge on those websites; however, most of these websites have strict guidelines regarding the type or quality of content shared on their website; as a result, make sure your content is not copied from other websites and does not appear spammy in order for it to be approved..


  • Partnerships:

If you have a popular website, you can approach other website owners in your niche to swap backlinks, which would assist boost both of your sites.


Here are some of the factors that you must consider when you want to get your backlinks:


  • DA (Domain authority)

Before receiving a backlink from any website, you should check the DA of that authority because it will effect your own domain authority and how Google views the relevance of that backlink.

How is DA measured?

The number of high-quality hyperlinks pointing to your website determines your domain authority, therefore the higher DA backlinks you have, the higher your DA will be.

How can I check a DA of a website?

There are few helpful tools that you can use to check the DA of any website, our favorite is a free DA checker tool by AHREFS.

  • Stay away from PBNs (private blog networks):

Using private blog networks is a black hat SEO practice that will get you punished by search engines; therefore, if you come across some websites that will offer you a listing on several websites that they run in exchange for money, DON\’T.

  • Do-follow vs no-follow backlinks:

As I previously stated, search engines do not treat all backlinks equally, and a “do-follow” connection is far superior to a “no follow” one in terms of SEO.

What is a do-follow link?

A do follow link is a link that passes authority from the linking website (source) to the linked website and is considered by search engines. Some high authority websites, such as Wikipedia, will not offer a do follow link because many people can simply go onto their website and add or edit their content. As a result, Wikipedia will not offer do follow links mentioned on their website because they are unsure about the authenticity of the linked website.

  • Avoid Spam:

Listing your website links all over the internet is one of the worst things that, that may work for you in short term but it is very risky and it will probably get your website to be permanently removed from search engines.

  • Irrelevant niches:

Search engines don’t simply read the link on the page; they also read the context around the link. That’s why you should make sure the websites from which you’re obtaining backlinks are relevant to your topic; otherwise, your link will appear spammy to search engines.


We know for a fact that Backlinks are not easy to get but getting backlinks is a marathon not a sprint, so you want to play long term, make the best content, reach out to the right people and you will be alright. You should also be aware of the updates that search engines run on their ranking algorithms and adjust accordingly.
